ChatGPT has caused quite the splash in chat technology, creating a much-needed infusion of understanding. Before the media buzz about #ChatGPT, chat technology was understood by most people as a frustrating gatekeeper to problem resolution on corporate websites. It was stagnant in deployed capabilities, seen as a free add-on to the core customer facing systems. Having capability conversations with customers went no further then answering FAQs and potentially a password reset. The what-if conversations with customers about the possibilities of chat were one dimensional and siloed. That all changed with ChatGPT’s launch.
The launch opened the public's eyes in a way only a hands-on demonstration can. I watched college students leverage the writing capabilities of ChatGPT with amazement. Colleagues used ChatGPT to create more eloquent LinkedIn posts. Developers had ChatGPT write code for them that needed little modification. It was amazing how quickly people could find new ways to use the technology, but how does this translate into business use cases?
The quick answer is not well. Using #technology in a company is different from using technology at home. Most of us don’t have an Alexa sitting on our desk at work waiting for a command to shut the garage door, or blaring an alarm at us for lunch while reading today's headlines and weather report. We could, they just don’t make business sense. So where do we go from here, how do we drive value from ChatGPT at work. Here is a quick list:
● It can do quick summation research for you (anything before 2021)
● It can write an article on a topic you give it
● It can write a social media post
● It can write a piece of code for you
I’m sure I’m missing many more, but you get the idea. One of the biggest issues with the above from a business perspective is a lack of understanding of your business. ChatGPT has not been taught your specific company terminology, culture, product data or messaging. It does not really know your company, for example if you asked ChatGPT to write an article on one of your products it will likely not get it right. If you asked ChatGPT to write a LinkedIn post for why a Holley carburetor is better than an Edelbrock carburetor it would not give you the same answer either company's spokesperson would give you. For either company this would not be an ideal outcome.
#Business #Chatbots are different. Much like a new employee, business chatbots need to know your business before they can become effective. They must go through orientation before being let loose. This means training the bot on your product/service, your corporate culture, your industry, your company, your terminology and your persona. We all act differently at work then we do at home, we want our chatbot to do the same. This is not something ChatGPT is good at. It is the wrong tool for the job, a bad hire. Businesses require a chatbot that is purposely trained for their business. This is where #IBM #Watson excels, delivering business ready chatbot technology.
#WatsonAssistant is trained on your business only. It learns your products, your terminology, your persona and your culture. It only speaks your language the way you want it to, delivering the company message just like an employee would. This translates well into business use cases. It can not only answer the vast majority of the questions you receive from calls, but it can leverage other company communication channels like email, text or voice. It has over 30+ native connections to systems like Salesforce, Zendesk, Nice, ServiceNow, etc. By adding #RPA to Watson, you can connect to almost any business application to read or update information. As an example, a customer comes to my website and wants to know if I have any Yellow Titleist golf balls in stock. Watson can call out to my SAP system to check inventory levels and verify stock. It can then take the order from the customer, updating the SAP system and provide the shipping details. Ask, ChatGPT to order you golf balls.
ChatGPT has done the industry a huge favor in educating the public. The conversations we have with clients are now much more sophisticated and pointed in the direction of driving real value. Executives are now open to the idea of using this type of service in their business. The lines of business are generating new ideas of how to deploy real solutions to business problems that they never would have thought of before. So, how do you safely use ChatGPT in your business? You use IBM Watson to harness ChatGPT.
For more information on delivering real value for your business, schedule a meeting with us at or drop us an email at